
Press Room - Dicono di noi

31/7/2014 :Il Resto del Carlino - Cronache Maceratesi


18/7/2014 : Giornale di Brescia


10/7/2014 : Cronache Maceratesi

LA STORIA - I due, un maceratese e un recanatese, hanno percorso a bordo delle loro moto 4340 chilometri per arrivare sul posto di lavoro in Kazakistan, dando il via al progetto Caucasus 2014, raccolta fondi online per ospedali e scuole, arrivata già a 45.000 dollari. Il ritorno a Macerata è previsto per il 29
9/7/2014 : Cronache Maceratesi

BENEFICENZA IN MOTO - Il maceratese partito in moto per il progetto Caucasus 2014
mercoledì 9 luglio 2014 - Ore 19:12 - 141 letture

Luca e i compagni di viaggio all’arrivo in Kazakistan con le meglie dello sponsro Motoclub Pistello
Riprenderanno la strada per l’Italia tra qualche giorno Luca Affede, maceratese di 33 anni,  Giovanni Rita, 50 anni di Recanati e i due colleghi partiti alla volta del posto di lavoro in Kazakistan, in moto, con lo scopo di raccogliere fondi per scuole e ospedali del posto tramite donazioni sul sito del progetto Caucasus 2014 (leggi larticolo).
In attesa della ripartenza prevista per il 2o luglio con arrivo a Macerata il 29, torniamo oggi sulla notizia per fare gli auguri di buoncompleanno a Luca, omaggiandolo  con le foto che lo ritraggono con le maglie  del Motoclub Pistello di Macerata, sponsor della missione di beneficenza. Al giro di boa (4340 km su 9700 totali) i 4  bikers avevano totalizzato ben 45 mila dollari da devolvere agli istituti di Aksay e ovviamente le donazioni sono ancora aperte alla generosità di quanti apprezzano l’ide di  Luca e compagni  e la loro capacità di conciliare,  spirito d’avventura e solidarietà


3/7/2014:  Aksai News

 Translation : 
$45,000 for kids!
We’ve already done an article on a Kazakhstan-Italy-Kazakhstan charity motorbike trip that KPO employees were making. They’ve recently come back from their journey.
 To remind you that the 4 KPO and KIOS employees, Giacomo Tognoli, Luca Affede, Lorenzo Montanaro and Giovanni Rita, planned on coming to their work shift from Italy to Aksai on bikes crossing the countries of Europe and CIS and returning home the same way upon completion of their shift. The money saved from the flights and the donations from their colleagues were intended to be donated to the Burlin region boarding schools.
The bikers left Italy on June, 15. They rode more than 4000 km having crosses the borders of Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan. Upon arrival to Aksai the travellers were welcomed by KPO employees headed by Damiano Ratti, General Director.
-          The trip went well, - Giacomo Tognoli, KPO Well operations Manager, shared his impressions. – The weather was wonderful throughout the whole trip. We rode many countries and saw a lot of interesting things on the way. And the people were kind. We had no problems riding through Europe but came across some difficulties while crossing the borders of Belarus and Russia as we had to wait 4 hours to process documents. However we felt no prepossession from the frontier guards, they on the contrary did their best to speed up the visa receipt process.
Giacomo expressed an opinion that travelling would be much easier if the road conditions of Poland and Russia were better and if there weren’t so many traffic jams.
-          It so felt like home when we came to Kazakhstan, – our interlocutor confessed.
This is not the end of the trip. The Italians are planning to ride to Italy from Aksai again. However this time they’ll be driving through the Caucasus, Turkey, the Balkans and Greece. They’ll ascend 200 km up the mountains and cross the bridge through the Bosporus. Then they together with bikes will take a ferry to get to Italy. 
As of today, $45,000 that will be donated to boarding schools have been collected.
-          We’ll round the sum to $50,000 and then donate it. Hopefully this will be done soon, - says Giacomo Tognoli.
Irina Shuklina

1/7/2014 : From BG group Portal

Motorcycle trip raises funds for children in Aksai

Motorcycle trip raises funds for children in Aksai

Four motorcyclists employed by  Karachaganak Petroleum Operating b.v (KPO) - a joint venture between BG Group, Eni, Chevron, LUKOIL and KazMunaiGas - are taking part in a charity trip to raise money for children living in Aksai, north-west Kazakhstan. 
Giacomo Tognoli, Luca Affede, Lorenzo Montanaro and Giovanni Rita are four friends that have driven through 15 countries. The KPO employees started their trip from Italy to Aksai on 15th June. They will now work a shift on Karachaganak - one of the world's largest gas and condensate fields - before driving all the way back to Italy. When they finish their trip, the team will have driven over 10 000 kilometres.

25/6/2014 : From BG Astana Portal


Last week KPO welcomed participants of Charity Motor Bike Trip in Aksai
A group of motor bikers including Giacomo Tognoli of KPO-BG Group, Luca Affede of KPO-Eni, Lorenzo Montanaro of KPO-Bolashak and Giovanni Rita of KIOS , arrived to Aksai on June 20.  On 15th of June they had embarked on a charity trip from Italy to Kazakhstan and back aiming to raise funds to help children in the Burlin region.
Upon arrival in Aksai, the team of bikers was greeted by representatives of KPO, headed by the General Director Damiano Ratti, BG Kazakhstan President Peter Costello,  the Karachaganak Children’s Welfare Committee, members of the local community and media.
Corporate social responsibility and partnership are embedded in all KPO activities.  Each year, KPO implements a whole range of initiatives aimed at the improvement of the quality of life within Western Kazakhstan communities and the support of vulnerable social groups.  I would like to express my gratitude to all participants and especially the motor bike riders who, at their own initiative, masterminded this charitable action, which will result in raising necessary funds for selected organisations helping children in the Burlin region.  Taking this opportunity, I would like to encourage all KPO employees to support our colleagues with your enthusiasm and donations”, said Damiano Ratti.
The organiser of the motor bikers’ team Caucasus 2014, Giacomo Tognoli (on the photo), KPO Well Operations Manager said: “We have driven over 4000 km of roads from Italy to Aksai and crossed 17 border points of 15 states to support this cause”.
“The money saved from our air travel as well as sponsorship and individual donations collected during the motor bike trip will be used to help the local social organisations including the Burlin Orphanage and Boarding School, Aksai Boarding School #5 and the Aksai Children’s Hospital”, he added.
Greeting the motor bikers, the Chairwoman of the Karachaganak Children’s Welfare Committee, Saniya Kovach, said: “We have discussed with the principals of boarding schools of Burlin region the necessary help.  In particular, Burlin Boarding School has asked for help in equipping a gym for the children and with the replacement of some sanitary ware in their canteen whilst the kids of Aksai Boarding School #5 need computers.  In addition, there is a request for help from the Aksai Children’s Hospital”.
More detailed information about the trip of Caucasus 2014 team and their impressions is available from their blog:
The Karachaganak Children’s Welfare Committee, established by the volunteers from KPO and contractors’ employees has been operating for more than 10 years.  During these years the Committee has provided continuous financial and material aid to the boarding school of Burlin village, to the boarding school No 5 of Aksai and to the children’s home in Uralsk city.

24/6/2014: from Corriere - Recanati  

24/6/2014 : From Corriere Adriatico

21/06/2014 : from KPO portal

KPO welcomes participants of Charity Motor Bike Trip 

AKSAI, Western Kazakhstan Oblast, 20 June 2014 - A group of motor bikers including Giacomo Tognoli of KPO-BG Group, Luca Affede of KPO-Eni, Lorenzo Montanaro of KPO-Bolashak and Giovanni Rita of KIOS , arrived today to Aksai.  On 15th of June they had embarked on a charity trip from Italy to Kazakhstan and back aiming to raise funds to help needy children in the Burlin region.
Upon arrival in Aksai, the team of bikers was greeted by representatives of KPO, headed by the General Director Damiano Ratti, the Karachaganak Children’s Welfare Committee, members of the local community and media.
“Corporate social responsibility and partnership are embedded in all KPO activities.  Each year, KPO implements a whole range of initiatives aimed at the improvement of the quality of life within Western Kazakhstan communities and the support of vulnerable social groups.  I would like to express my gratitude to all participants and especially the motor bike riders who, at their own initiative, masterminded this charitable action, which will result in raising necessary funds for selected organisations helping children in the Burlin region.  Taking this opportunity, I would like to encourage all KPO employees to support our colleagues with your enthusiasm and donations”, said Damiano Ratti.
The organiser of the motor bikers’ team Caucasus 2014, Giacomo Tognoli, KPO Well Operations Manager, said: “We have driven over 4000 km of roads from Italy to Aksai and crossed 17 border points of 15 states to support this cause”.
“The money saved from our air travel as well as sponsorship and individual donations collected during the motor bike trip will be used to help the local social organisations including the Burlin Orphanage and Boarding School, Aksai Boarding School #5 and the Aksai Children’s Hospital”, he added.
Greeting the motor bikers, the Chairwoman of the Karachaganak Children’s Welfare Committee, Saniya Kovach, said: “We have discussed with the principals of boarding schools of Burlin region the necessary help.  In particular, Burlin Boarding School has asked for help in equipping a gym for the children and with the replacement of some sanitary ware in their canteen whilst the kids of Aksai Boarding School #5 need computers.  In addition, there is a request for help from the Aksai Children’s Hospital”.
More detailed information about the trip of Caucasus 2014 team and their impressions is available from their blog:
The Karachaganak Children’s Welfare Committee, established by the volunteers from KPO and contractors’ employees has been operating for more than 10 years.  During these years the Committee has provided continuous financial and material aid to the boarding school of Burlin village, to the boarding school No 5 of Aksai and to the children’s home in Uralsk city.
KPO Corporate Affairs Department

22/5/2014 : From Karachaganak Panorama 

Translation :

The new adventures of the Italians

A passion for motorbikes, dynamic lifestyle and a desire to help children led four friends to the idea of a charity motorbike trip.
Giacomo Tognoli of KPO-BG, Luca Affede of KPO-ENI, Lorenzo Montanaro of KPO-Bolashak and Giovanni Rita of KIOS are the four friends that agreed to drive nearly 10 thousand kilometres, crossing 17 frontiers of 15 countries with the aim to reach out a helping hand to the children in need.

The charity trip is planned for June, when our colleagues will travel on motorbikes to Aksai from Italy for their work shift.  Having completed the shift, they will travel back to Italy in the same manner. The bikers will pass Bulgaria, Hungary, Belorussia, Russian, Georgia, Turkey, Greece.  The distance is planned to be completed within two weeks   .
The money that will be saved from Milan-Uralsk-Milan flight, collected individual donations and sponsorship will be handed over to local social care organisations.
Upon completion of the motorbike trip, it is planned to hold an event involving the bikers, KPO management and sponsors.

The fund raising of the charity motorbike trip will assist the Karachaganak Children’s Welfare Committee (KCWC) made up of volunteers from KPO employees who arrange such money raising events as Quiz Nights, Live Band performances and Raffles to collect money donated by employees of KPO ad Contractors to support a number of local causes including the Burlin Orphanage and Boarding School, Aksai Boarding School #5 and the Aksai Children’s Hospital.

The initiators of the trip noted that the trip is aimed at challenging the bikers and their bikes, seeing other countries and collecting money to support local causes of the Burlin region.

22/5/2014 -  From Budni Aksaya 

Translation :

KPO and KIOS employees Giacomo Tognoli, Luca Affede, Lorenzo Montanaro and Giovanni Rita have initiated a charity trip – the expenses saved from the Italy-Kazakhstan motorbike trip will be donated to the Burlin Orphanage and Aksai Boarding School #5.
The friends are united by the passion for motorbikes. They’ve driven all around Europe and half of Africa.
- I’d been fascinated with motorbikes when I was a kid but had to drop this passion. However driving a motorbike has been my idea of a good rest these last years – says Giacomo Tognoli, KPO Well Operations Manager. He narrated that the Italian couple that had driven their bike to the Pamir having passed through Kazakhstan last summer had inspired the four friends to have a charity motorbike trip.
– Why only Europe and Africa, we thought? Don’t we have guts to drive all the way from home to a work shift in Aksai? We can donate the money that will be saved  from the Milan-Uralsk-Milan flight and collected individual donations to the local boarding schools – Giacomo shared his plans.
By the way the trip starting in Milan on June, 15, will not end in Aksai; the bikers will return to Italy the same way upon completion of the shift. The trip will take 2 weeks in total. The Italians will have driven more than 9 thousand kilometres through 15 countries. They’ll drive through Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Belorussia, Russia and on the way back from Kazakhstan they’ll pass the Caucasus, Turkey, the Balkans, Greece.



Сотрудники КПО б.в. совершают благотворительный мотопробег

Май 19, 2014, 11:41 1 329 Версия для печати
Новости Уральск - Сотрудники КПО б.в. совершают благотворительный мотопробег jacomo_i_lukaСотрудников компаний КПО и КИОС Джакомо ТОНЬОЛИ, Луку АФФЕДЕ, Лоренцо МОНТАНАРО и Джованни РИТА связывает не только давняя дружба, но и любовь к мотоциклам. На своих байках они объехали весь Старый Свет, побывали в пустынях Африки. Нынешний мотопробег, который стартует в Милане 15 июня и завершится через пять дней в Аксае ЗКО, друзья решили сделать благотворительным и посвятить его детям.
Как рассказал Джакомо ТОНЬОЛИ, руководитель отдела скважинных операций компании КПО, четверка байкеров приедет в Аксай на рабочую вахту своим ходом, а по окончании вахты они вернутся в Италию тем же путем. Сэкономленные деньги от авиаперелета, а также спонсорская помощь компаний-подрядчиков и индивидуальные пожертвования друзья решили передать детскому дому-интернату в селе Бурлин и интернату при аксайской школе №5.
За две недели мотопробега, а столько по времени продлится путь туда-обратно, итальянцы преодолеют порядка 10 тысяч километров и проедут через 15 стран. Их маршрут будет проходить через Словению, Венгрию, Польшу, Белоруссию, Россию, а из Казахстана байкеры уже будут ехать через Кавказ, Турцию, Балканы, Грецию.
-20 июня мы планируем заехать в Уральск, - рассказал Джакомо ТОНЬОЛИ.

Translation : 

Giacomo Tognoli, Luca Affede, Lorenzo Montanaro and Giovanni Rita, KPO and KIOS employees, are not just friends; all four of them have passion for motorbikes. They’ve driven around all the Old World, been to Africa deserts. The friends decided to go on a charity motorbike trip, that will start in Milan on June, 15 and will end in Aksai, WKO in 5 days; the trip is devoted to kids.

Giacomo Tognoli, KPO Well Operations Manager explained that the quartet of friends would drive on their own to start their work shift in Aksai and return to Italy the same way upon completion of the shift.  The money that will be saved from Milan-Uralsk-Milan flight, collected individual donations and sponsorship will be handed over to the Burlin Orphanage and Boarding School and Aksai Boarding School #5.
In the two weeks of the return motorbike trip, the Italians will drive 10 thousand kilometres, cross frontiers of 15 countries. They’ll drive though Slovenia, Hungary, Poland, Belorussia, Russia and on the way back from Kazakhstan they’ll pass the Caucasus, Turkey, the Balkans, Greece.
-          We’re planning to pass Uralsk on June, 20 – said Giacomo Tognoli.
From KPO Portal 12 May 2014

KPO representatives to go on a charity motorbike trip 

A passion for motorbikes, dynamic lifestyle and a desire to help children led four friends to the idea of a charity motorbike trip.
Giacomo Tognoli of KPO-BG, Luca Affede of KPO-ENI, Lorenzo Montanaro of KPO-Bolashak and Giovanni Rita of KIOS are the four friends that agreed to drive nearly 10 thousand kilometres, crossing 17 frontiers of 15 countries with the aim to reach out a helping hand to the children in need.
The charity trip is planned for June, when our colleagues will travel on motorbikes to Aksai from Italy for their work shift.  Having completed the shift, they will travel back to Italy in the same manner. The distance is planned to be completed within two weeks.
The money that will be saved from Milan-Uralsk-Milan flight, collected individual donations and sponsorship will be handed over to local social care organisations.
Upon completion of the motorbike trip, it is planned to hold an event involving the bikers, KPO management and sponsors.
*The fund raising of the charity motorbike trip will assist the Karachaganak Children’s Welfare Committee (KCWC). As we all know, KCWC is made up of volunteers from KPO employees who arrange money raising events to support a number of local causes including the Burlin Orphanage and Boarding School, Aksai Boarding School #5 and the Aksai Children’s Hospital. Money is generously donated by KPO and KPO Contractors Companies individuals at these fund raising events such as Quiz Nights, Live Band performances and Raffles. The Charity Motorbike Trip is a wonderful opportunity to raise much needed money to continue supporting these worthy causes.
Further announcements on fundraising activities based on this trip will be issued – please generously support this challenging journey.
The Corporate Affairs team will keep you posted on further developments.

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